In this blog, a female refugee explains how she received food and shelter and a warm welcome from Poltava Baptist Church, one of DHM’s main partner churches in Eastern Ukraine. Donations made to DHM have helped to pay for this vital, life-saving aid. Please keep the donations coming. Although the
SUV successfully delivered for essential humanitarian work in eastern Ukraine
An Englishman & Romanian in a French Car with a Ukrainian as the new owner in the log- book…You may remember that the Oasis foundation gave a major contribution toward the cost of an SUV to enable Pastor Sasha to reach remote communities and army posts in remote area.
Funding Appeal for Pastor Sasha Boiko in Ukraine
Sasha Boiko is a Ukrainian pastor, who leads a small Baptist church in the town of Vasylkivka in the Dnipro region of Eastern Ukraine.
For several years, our charity, Dnipro Hope Mission (DHM, a UK-registered charity; number 1177504), has been working with Pastor Sasha, supporting his ministry to a local orphanage
Update on Pastor Alexander’s Condition
Dear supporter, so much has happened and the situation in Ukraine is heart-breaking.
The war is dragging on and many are ‘news-weary’ but it is even more wearying for the people in Ukraine! Please do keep supporting our efforts – remember the money goes directly to our ministry partners living
The witness of Baptist churches in the Russia-Ukraine War… and what you can do to support them
This article, written by DHM Chair Joshua Searle, was first published in the Baptist Times. We publish it here with their permission…
As Vladimir Putin’s “special military operation” has evolved into the mass slaughter of Ukraine’s civilian population, there are signs that the war is taking an immense toll on
Where in Ukraine is DHM currently working?
As a UK-registered charity (1177504), Dnipro Hope Mission is actively engaged in supporting suffering people in the eastern regions of Ukraine. Although we are a relatively small charity, relying on volunteers and personal relationships of trust with local partners, we do have a long reach into Ukraine.
In the
Theology After Bucha: Reflections on the Russian Atrocities against the People of Ukraine
This blog post was written by Rev. Dr. Roman Soloviy. Dr Soloviy is a significant leader within the protestant churches in Ukraine. A former Rector of Lviv Theological Seminary, Dr Soloviy now serves as Director of the Eastern European Institute of Theology. He is also a member of DHM’s International
What DHM is Doing to Help the People of Ukraine – A Summary
Dnipro Hope Mission is a UK-registered charity (1177504) that has been working with trusted local church partners in Eastern Ukraine to provide life-saving care for suffering Ukrainians for almost ten years.
Since the invasion of February 2022, DHM has been working closely with local ministry
We Thank God for All of You
We are so grateful for all of you and for your solidarity with the people of Ukraine. Your amazingly generous donations have enabled our partners working on the ground in Ukraine such as Pastor Sergii in Poltava to carry out life saving work and minister to
Thanks to Everyone who has Donated – Here is how your donations are helping people in Ukraine
In the past couple of weeks, DHM has received a record number of donations from individuals and churches. In order to compensate for the loss of our main ministry hub in Eastern Ukraine (due to the need to evacuate everyone to safer locations), the DHM trustees