• 86-90 Paul Street, London, EC2A 4NE

Residents of Care Home in Eastern Ukraine Receive Baptism!

Finally some good news to come out of Ukraine. Yesterday, our ministry partner, Pastor Alexander Tsarevskiy, baptised four elderly residents of the disabled care home, where DHM has had an active ministry since 2016.

The baptisms were done in a local river and the whole church and several curious onlookers from the village joined in the happy occasion.

It’s an encouragement to see that amid the chaos and devastation in Eastern Ukraine, we continue to see our partners bringing the light and hope of Christ to people suffering from this obscene and pointless war.

Through your donations we’ve been able to keep the residents of this disabled home in Eastern Ukraine supplied with food and other essential hygiene supplies. We can only continue this support if we continue to receive donations from you, the public. Please continue to give generously to support this life saving, dignity-enhancing work.