One of the saddest features of the obscene war that Russia is waging against Ukraine has been the suffering of children. Millions of young people have had their lives uprooted and ruined, as their parents (if they even have parents) have been plunged into poverty and have been unable to provide for their families. Millions of students’ studies have been interrupted. In some parts of Ukraine, Russian bombs have destroyed schools and nurseries.
Against this huge backdrop of disruption and devastation, it often feels like our efforts are little more than a drop in the ocean. As a small charity, we work at a local level to bring support and resources to volunteers and partners on the ground in Eastern Ukraine who are serving their communities, bringing life and hope. Since every human life is infinitely precious and valuable beyond price, this means that if we are able even to save one life or bring some comfort, relief or even joy to one single man, woman or child, our efforts would not have been in vain.

Thanks to the amazing dedication of our ministry partner in Dnipro, Pastor Sasha Boyko and his team of volunteers, DHM was able to host and support a summer camp for around 60 children in the town of Novagrigorika in the eastern Dnipro region of Ukraine. The camp was a remarkable success. For a few precious days from Friday to Sunday last week, the children at the camp did what children are supposed to do: laugh, play, dance, sing, and have fun – and not worry about war or the scourge of poverty and hunger.
All the children at the camp received three hot meals every day and each child was presented with a bag full of small gifts at the end. Pastor Sasha and the team also made contact with the parents, building relationships and finding out how DHM (through the local churches in the area) could help the most vulnerable people on a longer-term basis.
The camp was funded entirely by DHM through the donations that we have received just in the past few weeks. Thanks to everyone who has supported and continues to support this vital, life-giving and life-saving ministry. Our work would not be possible without your support. The needs are just as great now as at any time since this terrible war began. Please continue to give generously to enable the work to continue.
Finally, here’s a video summary of the camp…