• 86-90 Paul Street, London, EC2A 4NE

Welcome to the 2019 DHM Summer Camp in Ukraine

The DHM 2019 summer camp has just finished and it was a great success. DHM volunteers in Eastern Ukraine welcomed over 100 children to the summer camp.

The group photo on the last day of the camp

At the camp the children had an opportunity to have fun and experience joy. For many children in this part of poverty-stricken Eastern Ukraine, these few days at the camp offer a rare experience of joy and happiness. Many of the children come from very poor homes and often from broken families. It’s always hard to say goodbye at the end, but the children say that they are already looking forward to next year’s camp!

DHM volunteer, Darina, leads the children in a fun activity at the camp

At the camp the children learned about God’s love through games, activities and quizzes. The older ones had an opportunity to develop their English-speaking skills by reading and enacting stories from the Bible.

Thanks to the generosity of our donors in the UK, we were able to give every child a hot meal every day of the camp (over three days) and we gave each child a small gift pack (a t-shirt and some pens and pencils) as a parting gift.

Thanks again to everyone who supports the work of DHM. Your donations really do make a difference.

Here are a few more photos from the camp…

Darina poses for a selfie with her group of children

A young boy with his Ukrainian Bible and his notebook

DHM Community Outreach Co-ordinator, Karine (left), with Pastor Alexander Boyko and his wife, Iryna

The main aim of the camp was to share God’s love with the children, as Diana illustrates with this giant cut-out of a heart

DHM volunteer, Alyona, in the trademark colours of Dnipro Hope Mission

At the end of the camp, all the children received a free green t-shirt and a small box of pencils and pens. We were able to afford these gifts only thanks to the generosity of people and churches from the UK. So THANK YOU!!!