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Terrible News from Kyiv: Please Pray for Pastor Alexander and his Family

Very sadly, one of our closest friends in Kyiv, Pastor Alexander Demianchenko, has recently suffered a terrible life-changing injury.

Pastor Alexander, who leads an amazing ministry to the disabled community in Kyiv, was installing a lift in order to allow disabled people in his church to be able to access the worship services and group meetings. While Alexander was standing on the lift on the second floor level, one of the suspension ropes snapped, sending Alexander crashing down to the ground. Thankfully, although others were at the scene, no-one else was injured.

He was left with multiple complex fractures to several bones in both his feet, ankles and legs. The damage is so severe that doctors have said that even after complex surgery, it is unlikely that Alexander will ever be able to walk again unassisted. We are praying for a miracle.

The tragic irony is that Alexander, who leads a ministry to the disabled, is now himself disabled. While Alexander is trying to remain stoical about his injury, his wife and family are understandably very distressed.

Please pray for our friend, who has devoted his life to helping other people and who now finds himself in this very sad and difficult situation. If you would like to make a donation to Alexander and his family, you can give through DHM and every penny and cent will go directly to Pastor Alexander.

The DHM charity bank details can be found at the end of this post. Please indicate that the donation is intended for Alexander in your bank transfer note.

Thanks for your solidarity and prayers for Alexander and his family.

The DHM Board of Trustees

Bank: Lloyds Bank

Account Name: Dnipro Hope Mission

Account Number: 68149860

Sort Code: 30-90-91