• 86-90 Paul Street, London, EC2A 4NE

Pictures from the 100-Mile DHM Cycle Challenge!

On Saturday 22nd May several DHM volunteers braved atrocious weather conditions to cycle 100 miles each in order to raise money for our ministry in Eastern Ukraine.

Thanks to the brilliant efforts of the DHM cycling volunteers and the amazing generosity of our donors, we are within a few pounds of reaching our ambitious £5,000 fundraising target. We’re currently at £4,952. Perhaps someone reading this might like to help us to get over line with a £48 donation!? Here’s the link to our fundraising page: https://gofund.me/e4132798

Here are some pictures and videos from our volunteers yesterday…

DHM Vice-Chair of Trustees, Roger, relaxing after cycling 100 miles from London to Coventry!
DHM Trustee, Mark, celebrates after cycling 100 miles from Watford to the south coast
A team from Reigate Baptist Church, led by Rev. Mike Williams (r), tackled a section of the South Downs Way
Simon and Eddie cycled from London to Marlow through Windsor
DHM Chair, Joshua, cycled a winding 100-mile route around East Surrey and East Sussex
Paul cycled 100 miles around Essex

Joshua Searle