• 86-90 Paul Street, London, EC2A 4NE

On the Front Line in a Hospital Ward in Dnipro: DHM Covid-19 Appeal

DHM is co-ordinating our team on the ground in Eastern Ukraine in response to a tragic situation unfolding in a local hospital.

The hospital where our mission partner, Dr Darina Boyko, works (Dnipro State Hospital) is overwhelmed with patients who are critically ill with COVID-19. Darina, who works at the hospital as a respiratory doctor, is the daughter of Rev. Sasha Boyko, our main representative in the Eastern Dnipro region.

Darina (left) with some colleagues in full PPE at Dnipro State Hospital

For several weeks, Darina and the team of doctors and nurses at the hospital in Dnipro have been working almost non-stop – ever since the latest “second wave”. Earlier this autumn, Darina herself was very ill with COVID-19. Thankfully, she has made a good recovery and has been able to return to work.

The tragedy is that there are not enough oxygen canisters and other essential equipment for everyone who needs it. Last week DHM received an urgent appeal from Darinka’s hospital for oxygen canisters and breathing equipment for the critically-ill patients, as well as personal protective equipment for the medical staff.

Some of the equipment that DHM has procured recently for the hospital

We have responded as much as our limited means will permit. In many cases, the state of the hospitals in Ukraine is inadequate to give even basic protection to front-line healthcare workers, such as Darina and her colleagues.

We’ve been glad to receive support from various appeals in the UK, including from an ambulance team based in Harrow, West London:

News about a vaccine on the way is very welcome indeed, but it won’t help the people that Darina and her colleagues are caring for right now or in the next few weeks. Darina and the team are bracing themselves for a long “COVID-winter”.

If you’re able to help to purchase life-saving equipment for critically ill people in Dnipro and essential protective equipment for the medical staff, then please donate through this link (Paypal) and note that you intend your donation to go towards the “DHM Emergency COVID-19 Appeal”: please CLICK HERE to access the PayPal link.

Here is the full version of the link to the appeal, if you’d prefer to access it this way: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=A892KNLLF863N

Thanks for standing in solidarity with Darina and the all the brave team working against the odds in Eastern Ukraine.

The DHM Team