Many of our partners sent us Christmas greetings and thanks. Aleksei writes:
‘It is nice to see that even amid this difficult situation our country is in, there are always people who make an effort to help us. We will forever remember your kindness, and the people in need truly appreciate your help and our work. May God bless each of you.’
Very few Ukrainians were able to spend Christmas in a warm house surrounded by family – most have been separated by war; many live in terrible poverty; yet others are no longer here – deprived of their lives and their futures.
In snow and ice and before the recent horrific bombing our partners were able to deliver the Christmas message of love, hope and joy.
We thank you, our friends and supporters, from the bottom of our hearts. Your donations help us to make a difference – people know they are not abandoned in their time of greatest trial and difficulty.

Christmas Greetings from Yevhenii, Polina and all at Dnipro Independent Baptist Church and from Dmytro, Olha and the ‘House of Mercy’



In war-torn Ukraine, gift boxes are delivered by Aleksei and his team but sometimes the gifts you really need are medicines and mattresses. Photos also show Aleksei and his team delivering humanitarian aid to ‘a boarding house for special people’ and celebrating Christmas with ‘the defenders’ fighting for survival, freedom and peace.
Written by Melanie Gray, DHM Trustee.