Pastor Alexander’s Disabled Ministry Appeal

Cause Description
One of our key mission partners is Pastor Alexander Demyanchenko from Transformation Baptist Church in Kyiv. Pastor Alexander runs a ministry for disabled people.
Alexander said that some of the bed-bound disabled people would very much benefit from a “media” device that would give them access to the Bible, sermons and worship music.
Alexander is working to make the church services available in live stream for those disabled people who are unable to attend the church in person. Our disabled friends need a simple wi-fi enabled device in order to join in live with the services on Sunday and to listen to the audio Bible and listen to worship music during the rest of the week.
These are people who would not even dream about owning such a device. Please help us to put a beaming smile on their face by making a donation to help us buy a simple electronic tablet as a blessing to a bed-bound disabled member of Alexander’s church in Kyiv.
Thank you.