A commendable aspect of the trip is the collaboration with the contacts and pastors in Ukraine. This helped to facilitate contacts with institutions such as the home for disabled, the school and the Children’s home and the buying of goods and equipment from the local industries. The whole experience of ministering to the disabled, children and needy families was surreal. I acted as my normal self but on reflection, the presence of the Holy Spirit was active in overshadowing and guiding us as we fulfilled the Mission of God. The poor conditions in which the disabled people lived gave cause for concern and it made me reflect on how I would develop my ministry to address those issues. For example, conducting regular visits to the facility, providing a one to one visiting service to the residents, setting up a befriender’s scheme and making arrangements for befrienders to take those who are mobile out for a walk. Overall the trip to Ukraine was a great experience and it was wonderful to bond with others in the group.